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Breakfast and a Book Club - The Making of a Manager

  • April 10, 2023
  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


Registration is closed

Join ICF NYC for its Breakfast and a Book Club meeting to kick off your week with a mental boost! This month we delve into The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table by Minda Harts

Summary Details

Format:  Virtual - Zoom meeting format, cameras enabled

CCEUs: 1.0 CCEUs (0.75 core/0.25 resource development)

About the Book 

Top tech executive Julie Zhuo remembers the moment when she was asked to lead a team. She felt like she’d won the golden ticket, until reality came crashing in. She was just 25 and had barely any experience being managed, let alone managing others.

Her co-workers became her employees overnight, and she faced a series of anxiety-inducing firsts, including agonizing over whether to hire an interviewee; seeking the respect of reports who were cleverer than her; and having to fire someone she liked. Like most first-time managers, she wasn’t given any formal training, and had no resources to turn to for help. It took her years to find her way, but now she’s offering you the short-cut to success.

This is the book she wishes she had on day one. Here, she offers practical, accessible advice like:

· Don’t hide thorny problems from your own manager; you’re better off seeking help quickly and honestly
· Before you fire someone for failure to collaborate, figure out if the problem is temperamental or just a lack of training or coaching
· Don’t offer critical feedback in a ‘compliment sandwich’ – there’s a better way!

Whether you're new to the job, a veteran leader, or looking to be promoted, this is the handbook you need to be the kind of manager you've always wanted.

About the ICF NYC Book Club

The ICF NYC Book Club is an opportunity for attendees to delve deeper into their learning from the book and to share highlights from what they read, implications for their coaching practice, and more. Book club meetings are not book previews or presentations and active participation and contribution is expected from all attendees. 

Meeting Guidelines:

  • Out of respect for our facilitator and other attendees, you are expected to have read the book, or at a minimum, significant portions of it, prior to attending so that meaning, intent and application may be discussed with depth.  Familiarity with the content enables a much more meaningful exchange and conversation.

  • As with any virtual call, please be prepared to have your video and audio on, with limited distraction.  Turn off all notifications.  

  • In order to receive CCEU credit, you must be present and actively participate.

  • Come in your pajamas! We don’t care about how you look or if you’re munching, only the intellectual contribution you bring.

Meetings will be held consistently on the second Monday of each month at 8 AM (except where may be otherwise indicated). 

Attendance at every meeting is not necessary.  You may participate based upon your preference for the book.  The intended purpose of this offering is to broaden and deepen our knowledge of current practices in the coaching profession and in the business world.

Please register early!  If registration is low, or non-existent, for any specific book, we will revisit the selection and float a poll to the membership to select a replacement book.  We therefore encourage participants to register early for meetings so that we may assess interest at an early stage.

Meet Our Breakfast and a Book Club Host

Anita Kishore PhD, ACC

A former scientist & management consultant, Anita brings an open, honest and direct approach from her global experience coaching leaders across diverse industries.  As an executive coach, Anita focuses on onboarding senior level executives into organizations and deepening their leadership capacity. Anita’s superpower is being a straight shooter with deep empathy.  She lives in Jackson Heights, New York.

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348 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019

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